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PostPosted: 28 Aug 2007, 23:58 
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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 00:07 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
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Hey ... welcome to the forum Sectus ... 8)

You say ...
I don't think the UE3 engine always makes wider aspect ratios have the same horizontal fov. I just think they made 16:9 the new "default". So that wider aspect ratios than 16:9 will have wider fov (triple heads for instance). And that taller aspect ratios (4:3 for instance) have a taller fov.
Re the bold bit ... only Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PC has an automatic increase in the horizontal FOV as the aspect ratio got wider ... unfortunatly that game doesen't have many options for widescreen or TripleHead resolutions ... without the hack.
All the other Unreal III games so far have not had an increase in the horizontal FOV ... See the screenshot overlays above.

When you think about it that way, it makes perfect sense.
Yes it would make perfect sense but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the case.
As I say ... See the screenshot overlays in this thread.

I'll get some screenshots of Gears of War and Rainbow Six: Vegas on the 360 in 4:3 and 16:9 so you can compare the actual images.

There are some Gears of War shots shown above but more of both those games would be great !

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 00:24 

Joined: 28 Aug 2007, 23:48
Posts: 2
Yes it would make perfect sense but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the case.
As I say ... See the screenshot overlays in this thread.

Oh, my point is that it would be working correctly with 4:3 getting a taller fov if they had defined 16:9 as the new default.

It's hard to define what's right and wrong fov for each aspect ratio. For instance... people wouldn't be thinking Gears of War had a "wrong" fov if they'd never compared it to 4:3.

And while people got mad over the fov for Bioshock... what if the dev team decides to fix it by giving the 4:3 view a smaller fov? That would make 16:9 have a wider fov than 4:3, but it wouldn't actually change how 16:9 looks.

By the way, this comes from someone who displays things in 4:3 on my computer and 16:9 on my 360. So I don't feel biased. I don't really care how whatever aspect ratio compares to another, as long as I can sit down and think it looks fine on its own terms that's all I need.

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 00:25 

Joined: 19 Sep 2006, 11:49
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only Rainbow Six: Vegas on the PC has an automatic increase in the horizontal FOV as the aspect ratio got wider ... unfortunatly that game doesen't have many options for widescreen or TripleHead resolutions ... without the hack.

Hasn't the latest patch released recently fixed this? I run it widescreen (1920x1200) without the hack and though I haven't test it, it feels right.

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 00:31 

Joined: 03 Mar 2007, 06:34
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[quote]Having played a lot of GoW the current FOV feels right to me at widescreen. Looking at the 4:3 shots the game looks too zoomed out. I think in the case of GoWs case it is a matter of 4:3 vert+ and it's 4:3 users that are getting the incorrect "experience."

As said, vert- (or vert+ as the case may be) is definitely wrong regardless, but I think from this point forward we're going to have to consider if it's widescreen users or 4:3 users that are getting the short of end of the stick.

No one is asking the 4:3 users to get anything less than they would in the first place. This isn't about 4:3 getting less, it is for WS to get more. It's an endless supply of FOV and pixels. When a game supports properly WS screens, it is not stealing pixels from 4:3. This isn't the state budget, this is pixels. Both CAN be winners. Don't fall for the propaganda, we are equals.
I'm not really making that argument so I'm not sure what you're replying in reference to exactly.

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 00:49 
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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 05:44 

Joined: 31 Jan 2007, 18:04
Posts: 259
Dopefish I know it just scales... I allready said that in another thread.

Please stop pointing out something I allready know.....

1080p on the 360 is 720p upscaled. On my monitor it has a slight increase in image quality when in 1920x1080, because my monitors native resolution is 1920x1200. Then as you can tell by the pictures I took, the monitor has aspect scaling.

Also some games do actually run in 1080p on the 360. Apparently Halo 3 is 1080p native.

For lower resolutions, it just downscales and either letterboxes it, crops it at the sides or in the case of Gears it adds more to the top and bottom. According to your pictures, I can see its 960x720 that is downscaled.

What did you use to capture those images? Looks good.

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 06:10 

Joined: 02 Jan 2006, 18:49
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Maybe it is something to do with the way you were running widescreen on a 4:3 ... dunno ...

BTW ... they fixed widescreen for Stalker in a patch (just in case you didn't know).
Yeah I thought it might have been running it on the 4:3 CRT too. I don't play STALKER much anymore though. Thanks for the screenie btw Paddy. :wink:

On Gears of War, I just found out it's going to be on PC, a big WOOT for that!

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 06:41 
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PostPosted: 29 Aug 2007, 07:14 

Joined: 31 Jan 2007, 18:04
Posts: 259
Hey man, just making sure you knew I do know it is scaling... :lol:

I don't know where I read that Halo 3 was in 1080p.. I just remember it. I think it was even boasting 60 fps. So we will have to wait and see.

Seriously, some games arent even 720p? Thats sort of false advertisement then.. even if it is scaled.

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