hmmm, that sonds a little pricey to me though.
I know nothing about the specifications of these cards, but when I first heard about them, I understood they would basically be another dedicated processor (a PPU I suppose).
Early (general user) graphics cards were never this much - once the PhysX technology has advanced, perhaps the
top-end version could cost $300?
But I'm sure a cheapy, dedicated processor could still provide a massive boost in physics performance when the technology first arrives.
I like the idea, but no one will pay
more for one of these than their graphics card. Likewise, not many people will want to spend $500+ on a GPU and another $300 on a PPU.
your average PC user has a sub $200 dollar GPU -
if that!
I was hoping these would be at the $100 mark. To be a real "must have" item.
not many people will want to spend $500+ on a GPU and another $300 on a PPU.
Although I'll probably get one :roll:
...Thanks for the vids.