Widescreen Gaming Forum

Final Fantasy VII
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Author:  boardboyt [ 17 Aug 2006, 07:00 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy VII

Widescreen Grade: Unsupported
Multi-monitor Grade: Unsupported

Read Full Detailed Report - Final Fantasy VII

Fnal Fantasy VII is a fantastic fantasy RPG game brought to PC in 1998

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 17 Aug 2006, 08:07 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

Can you provide some more info on what the problem is, does the game not run at all, does it run but with artifacts, it's really bad stretched.
If it are the last one there is unfortunatly no way of helping you since there is no way of getting FF7 widescreen. :(
You can try to get it to run with black bars though.

Btw, your title should say Final Fantasy VII which is the correct Latin version of 7.
Your title now says Final Fantasy 12. :wink:
Also, this should be in the Request/Discuss Widescreen Solutions - PC section.

Oh, and last but not least, Welcome to the family. :D

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 17 Aug 2006, 11:44 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

I moved this - and edited the title so its correct. ;)

Unfortunately, FF7 is hard coded, and all the backdrops are a fixed res. This means that you won't be able to play it in widescreen; although if you can get it running on XP (something I've never succeeded in doing) then you should be able to play it normally.

Author:  mengzor [ 17 Aug 2006, 22:46 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

theres no windowed mode?

Author:  boardboyt [ 18 Aug 2006, 05:19 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

haha yeah FF VII i should say.. and I mean it wont start at all. iv played it on Windows XP before with my old CRT and it worked fine.
but i dont care about the quality or if I have to play it in windowed mode.
I just would really like to play it again on my pc. :)

Author:  realfolkblues [ 21 Aug 2006, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

I've got 1 word. Emulator.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Aug 2006, 20:31 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

I've got 1 word. Emulator.

Y'know, that's surprisingly little help when we're talking about the PC version... :roll:

Author:  realfolkblues [ 21 Aug 2006, 20:32 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

the ps version is really cheep. get it at gamestop. and it looks better to boot.

Author:  Microtia [ 21 Aug 2006, 20:36 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

Technically, it wouldn't be a terrible solution if it absolutely annoys you that much. Pick it up cheap and running it in the emulator would cost relatively little.

Author:  cmay119 [ 22 Aug 2006, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  FINAL FANTASY VII

Don't give up!

Get the High Resolution patch which will allow resolution of 1280x960 or 1280x1024. I know these are not wide screen resolutions, but I just played it on my new monitor today and it doesn't look bad at all.

Download and read about the patch here:


What's really cool about this patch, is not only can you have a higher resolution, but you can also add Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering to the game with out getting the dreaded Grid-Line affect.

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