Widescreen Gaming Forum

Shootmania Storm
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Author:  Haldi [ 12 Apr 2013, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Shootmania Storm

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: C
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Shootmania Storm

ShootMania Storm is a first-person shooter video game by Ubisoft and Nadeo. It is based on the TrackMania games by Nadeo.

Just like its sister games TrackMania 2 and the yet-unreleased QuestMania, it will feature 3 different environments, of which two have so far been revealed; a snow-based environment called Cryo, and another called Storm. Storm is set to be released first, with Cryo released approximately a year later.






Author:  LuckyNoS7evin [ 12 Apr 2013, 21:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

I was about to do this game then noticed it was already in the catalog, for starts it's a really good game, fast paced and a lot of fun.

One question about the C rating for multi-monitor, a C is "it has some multi-monitor support" but "significant issues", what do we class as significant?

The issues in this game are mainly around the stretched overlay as in timer, kill feed, menus and scoreboard are these classes as significant enough?

The actual graphics engine has nothing wrong with it IMO, are the rating down to opinion? are there C+ or B- grades

Author:  Skid [ 12 Apr 2013, 22:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

A stretched UI is consider a significant issue, as it causes a large distraction and can massively decreases the visuals of the game.

Also comparative shorts are useless unless they can be directly compared, this means they should all be taken from the same position, with the same camera angle with the same graphics settings, the only thing that should be different is the resolution / aspect ratio.

Edit: Also please include 4:3 screenshots, it's kinda important to make sure it has proper widescreen support, as I'm fairly sure the HUD is stretched across the board which would impact it's widescreen rating.

Author:  LuckyNoS7evin [ 12 Apr 2013, 23:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

Skid wrote:
A stretched UI is consider a significant issue, as it causes a large distraction and can massively decreases the visuals of the game.

Also comparative shorts are useless unless they can be directly compared, this means they should all be taken from the same position, with the same camera angle with the same graphics settings, the only thing that should be different is the resolution / aspect ratio.

Edit: Also please include 4:3 screenshots, it's kinda important to make sure it has proper widescreen support, as I'm fairly sure the HUD is stretched across the board which would impact it's widescreen rating.

Thanks for the clarification Skid, just so I know if I do any of this stuff :)

I can add screenshots to this existing article can't I?

Author:  Skid [ 12 Apr 2013, 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

LuckyNoS7evin wrote:

Thanks for the clarification Skid, just so I know if I do any of this stuff :)

I can add screenshots to this existing article can't I?

Yep, any user can update an existing DR, that includes adding or removing existing screenshots :)

Author:  LuckyNoS7evin [ 13 Apr 2013, 00:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

Skid wrote:
LuckyNoS7evin wrote:

Thanks for the clarification Skid, just so I know if I do any of this stuff :)

I can add screenshots to this existing article can't I?

Yep, any user can update an existing DR, that includes adding or removing existing screenshots :)

Done, best I could do for now, don't have a 21:9 screen so set a custom res of 2560x1080 as this was the first res that popped up when I searched 21:9, hope that's okay?

Author:  Skid [ 13 Apr 2013, 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Shootmania Storm

LuckyNoS7evin wrote:
Skid wrote:
Done, best I could do for now, don't have a 21:9 screen so set a custom res of 2560x1080 as this was the first res that popped up when I searched 21:9, hope that's okay?

That's cool, not many people have 21:9 aspect ratio monitors so we don't expect most people to be able to get the information for them currently.

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