Widescreen Gaming Forum

Operation Flashpoint: Red River
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Author:  thales100 [ 06 Nov 2012, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Operation Flashpoint: Red River

Widescreen Grade: A
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: A
Multi-monitor Grade: B
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Operation Flashpoint: Red River

This game is a tactical shooter videogame, the same as its predecessor. The player has the choice of playing the campaign co-operatively. However, the game will not feature competitive multiplayer. The game will not feature a mission editor or SDK for any platform. The player will be able to choose between four classes of Marines to play as, rifleman, grenadier, scout and automatic rifleman, each with their own weapons and abilities. The player will gain experience during gameplay, which can be used to unlock guns, attachments and perks. For example, a scout could acquire an enhancement that will reduce the amount of bullet drop.






Author:  nips_uk [ 04 Dec 2012, 04:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Operation Flashpoint: Red River

I have a strange issue that doesnt bother me too much, but would like to know if anyone else has this too...

3x monitors set to 5760x1080 works fine on every mission, side mission, online etc except the 4th mission (i think its the 4th. You start in the helo and make your way up a mountain to a hill top base) If I do this mission with eyefinity, it always crashes around the hilltop base. Ive tried re-installing the game, windows, drivers. Ive tried steam version, non-steam version too. Its not a big problem, I just change back to 1920x1080, get gold in the mission, change the resolution back and never do that mission again (theres too much running anyway!)

Any one else have this problem?

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