Could you test 1280x768 (15:9)
It looks great at 1280x768, as expected. Added it to the list.
** I would recommend always running the game with a resoluion of 1024x768 or greater. If the width is less than 1024 or if the height is less than 768 (regardless of aspect ratio) a few problems arise with menus, and overlapping icon positioning on the HUD.
Can you post an example of this, running at 1280x720?
I'm glad you mentioned that. Because it was actually 1088x612 that gave the HUD problem. 1280x720 is actually quite playable.
I did a little bit more testing of this issue, and I updated the post with a few more resolutions tested too.
Also, I tested all widescreen resolutions that were visible in the list, should I change the "Widescreen resolutions that were not tested:" part to "none"? Or am I missing any?