Widescreen Gaming Forum

World of Goo
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Author:  Tanuki [ 08 Jan 2009, 09:57 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo

Widescreen Grade: B
Multi-monitor Grade: Unsupported

Read Full Detailed Report - World of Goo

2D puzzler that involves using drops of goo to build bridges and structures to help the goo escape form the world.

Author:  skipclarke [ 08 Jan 2009, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

what does it fix about widescreen?

Author:  Tanuki [ 09 Jan 2009, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

what does it fix about widescreen?

You can finish a level. The game would break in certain aspects and resolutions before the patch.

The game itself does all its resolution changing through the text file. It was originally only 800x600. Not bad considering the origins of the game.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 09 Jan 2009, 06:01 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

Composite picture time:

You get more hor + than vert -, mainly because you don't lose much from the bottom.

==Multiplayer support==

By "minor multiplayer elements" are you just referring to the World of Goo Corporation leaderboard? Or is there more to it than that?

Grade: B
CCE: 100%

.ini solution and vert - cut-scenes are blemishes.

Author:  Tanuki [ 09 Jan 2009, 06:09 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

By "minor multiplayer elements" are you just referring to the World of Goo Corporation leaderboard? Or is there more to it than that?

That and the towers you can see in the background in the corporation mode. So, yes.

Author:  skipclarke [ 09 Jan 2009, 07:03 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

what does it fix about widescreen?

You can finish a level. The game would break in certain aspects and resolutions before the patch.

The game itself does all its resolution changing through the text file. It was originally only 800x600. Not bad considering the origins of the game.

Thanks for the update. I tried the demo, but didn't worry with a DR once I saw it only supported 800x600.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 15 Oct 2009, 11:48 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

You can press Alt+Enter to switch to windowed mode. The game will then always start in windowed mode, unless you hit Alt+Enter again. 8)

== Surround Gaming Support ==

None. The game will not run at any surround resolution and reverts back to 800x600 (although config.txt itself will keep whatever settings you saved).

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 15 Oct 2009, 15:50 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

That's strange. I've never heard of a game which supported arbitrary resolutions through .ini... but had an aspect ratio limit. I doublechecked this myself - the widest I could get it to run was 1920x1050.

Grade: B
CCE: 100%

.ini solution, lack of TH support, and vert - cut-scenes are blemishes.

Author:  Tanuki [ 15 Oct 2009, 18:35 ]
Post subject:  World of Goo: Detailed Report

That's strange. I've never heard of a game which supported arbitrary resolutions through .ini... but had an aspect ratio limit. I doublechecked this myself - the widest I could get it to run was 1920x1050.

A lot of the levels are just not wide enough to show anything for wider aspect ratios. I imagine that played a factor in this.

Author:  balver [ 18 May 2011, 20:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: World of Goo: Detailed Report

Not everything is OK. In the main menu the text is truncated - at least for Steam version, see link.

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