Along with DDfix we now have Widescreen support for the Darkengine Thief 1/G/2
Installation instructions
[*]Download the widescreen patch -;10450521;/fileinfo.html to your desktop, then as before unpack the contet directly to your Thief 1/2 game folder, [/*:m]
[*]then brows to the thief 1/2 game folder and doubleclick on 'widescreen.bat' - [/*:m]
[*]a little black window will pop up, then type (y/n) if you want to read the readme, [/*:m]
[*]then the next step is to select the widescreen resolution you want, (in my case thats 1680*1050) first you input horizontal res (eg 1680 then press enter), then it prompts for the vertical res (eg 1050 then press enter) [/*:m]
[*]then it prompts for the FOV (field of view) then you input 100[/*:m]
[*]Once you have done all the above close the little black window[/*:m]
[*]Now run Thief 1/2 and you should now have it running in glorious widescreen.[/*:m][/list:u]
Addition info - trouble shooting
[*]Should you need to, you can set a custom resolution manually in Cam.cfg [/*:m]
[*]In my fiddlings with widescreen patch I found that if you
just install the widescreen patch you get a multitude of resolutions(that are all usable in game) - but note these extra resolutions can only utilised on X1000 ati or older and geforce 7 or older gfx cards. If you have anything newer eg a DX10 card and or latest drivers installed and or vista installed you will HAVE to have DDfix installed otherwise as you know Thief wont run or look crap etc.[/*:m]
[*]The TTlg thread -[/*:m][/list:u]
This patch implements widescreen mode flawlessly so should be eligible for the WSGF certification.