Widescreen Gaming Forum

Thief/Thief Gold/Thief 2/System Shock 2 widescreen hack
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Author:  karmic wheel [ 16 May 2008, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Thief/Thief Gold/Thief 2/System Shock 2 widescreen hack


Thought you might be interested in knowing that someone over at the TTLG forums has created a hack that turns on widescreen support for all the dark engine games (Thief, Thief Gold, Thief 2, System Shock 2).

Information can be found here:


The thread goes on for a bit, but the first post has links for downloading the mod.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 22 May 2008, 04:55 ]
Post subject:  System Shock 2: 4:3 and 16:10

Using this hack:

FOV is kept at 100%, and it's hor +.

1024x768, unpatched

1920x1200, patched, fov=100%

Author:  NightBlade [ 24 May 2008, 03:44 ]
Post subject:  Thief/Thief Gold/Thief 2/System Shock 2 widescreen hack

Fantastic, just the excuse I needed to start playing the game again.

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