Widescreen Gaming Forum

Postal 2 Complete
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Author:  Tanuki [ 15 Dec 2007, 07:28 ]
Post subject:  Postal 2 Complete

Widescreen Grade: A
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: A
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Postal 2 Complete

Postal 2 (stylized as PostalĀ²) is a first-person shooter video game by Running with Scissors, and it is the sequel to the 1997 game Postal. Both are intentionally highly controversial due to high levels of violence and stereotyping. Unlike its predecessor, Postal 2 is played completely in first-person based on the Unreal Graphics Engine.

The game levels are split into days of the week starting Monday and finishing Friday. At the beginning of each day, Dude is given several tasks to accomplish, such as 'Get milk', 'Confess sins', and other seemingly mundane tasks. The purpose of the game is to finish all of the tasks throughout the week, and the player can accomplish these tasks in any way he wishes, be it as civilly or as chaotically as possible (it is possible, if occasionally difficult, to complete most tasks without engaging in battle, or, at least, killing other people). The daily tasks can be accomplished in any order, and the game includes one task that is only activated on a certain day if Dude performs a certain action.

One of the major concepts of Postal 2 is that it is meant to be a "living world", a simulation of a tongue-in-cheek off-kilter town. Game characters live out their lives completely separate from the actions of Dude; walking around town, buying and selling merchandise, and even engaging in random shootouts with each other and the police.





Author:  g00seberry [ 15 Dec 2007, 13:22 ]
Post subject:  Fudge Pack (Postal 2): Detailed Report

To my eyes, Rendered Fullscreen cutscenes seem to be quite a bit vert- too.

And these games are seriously messed up.

Author:  Tanuki [ 15 Dec 2007, 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Fudge Pack (Postal 2): Detailed Report

I will take a vid with fraps and compare. It is a zoom in function and moves at a good clip.

Thanks for the info.

Author:  Tanuki [ 15 Dec 2007, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Fudge Pack (Postal 2): Detailed Report

Updated DR.

Thanks to eZ`.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 15 Dec 2007, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Fudge Pack (Postal 2): Detailed Report


Calculated grade: C+
Potential grade: B

Major unresolved issues:
Does the FOV increase work in multiplayer mode?

Minor unresolved issues:

Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
.ini solution
Stretched 2D screens
Vert - intro cut-scenes

Cranky's coverage estimate: 88.5%

Author:  Tanuki [ 05 Apr 2010, 01:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fudge Pack (Postal 2): Detailed Report

I no longer have this installed but I was meaning to report some issues. As I have no pics I will just put it here.

The opening cut-scenes are Vert - in widescreen resolutions. The field of view changes will not occur until the player is in-game for the first time. This behavior is present in all games except Postal 2 - Apocalypse Weekend.

What appears to be happening is that any cut scenes that play before a level has loaded are Vert - until in game. The missing pigeon-killing level cut scene is an example of this.

There is also a 4:3 FMV that is stretched that is related to the missing pigeon-killing level.

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