2400 x 600
MMORPG.com review in Feb 207
Recently, the feature got broken, but I dropped a note to Gallenite and he
Got it fixed
Given that the popularity of 1280x720 is likely only going to increase over time, we've added support in the video options for that resolution. Seems to be the smart way to handle it.
Also, for people who want to .ini hack even stranger resolutions (Matrox, for instance, has a 2400x600 that at least one player uses), we'll be introducing a new ini file switch that lets .ini hackers tell the game: "I really know what I'm doing; Stop trying to be smarter than me and just try to work with this resolution" and the game will just trust whatever you tell it. (possibly to new and exciting consequences if done wrong, but without risk, where's the fun of hacking parameters?)
These changes haven't been released yet, but will go out in an upcoming hotfix. Stay tuned to the patch notes for when that happens.