==Game Information==
Lego Star Wars is an action adventure game by LucasArts. It is a unique retelling of the Star Wars prequals (Episodes I-III) utilizing the Lego kits based on the Star Wars universe.
This report was based on the retail version. There are no patches available.
Native support. If you don't have support the first time you run the game, delete the swlego.bin file and run the detectGPU.exe file. Both files are in the root game folder. In my case, the detectGPU.exe would not run, and would crash out. The resolution is held in the swlego.bin file, and can be edited with a hex editor. I was able to manually test all the resolutions by editing the file, using this
tutorial. It was my first time hex editing, and it wasn't too hard.
==Screen change==
The screen change is Stretch
1600x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 4:3, native FOV
1920x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 16:10, automatic FOV
==Supported resolutions==
Confirmed Support:
==Singleplayer anomalies==
The menus and loading screens stretch
1600x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 4:3, native FOV
1920x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 16:10, automatic FOV
==Multiplayer support==
No MP mode.
==Aspect ratio support==
The aspect ratio stretches
==HUD stretch==
The HUD stretches
The cut-scenes are pre-rendered and letterboxed
1600x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 4:3, native FOV
1920x1200 screenshot, resized to 480px tall. 16:10, automatic FOV
Calculated grade: D
Potential grade: D+
Major unresolved issues:
Minor unresolved issues:
Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
Stretched screen.
Potentially complex solution.