Widescreen Gaming Forum

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
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Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 11 Nov 2005, 05:03 ]
Post subject:  Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Widescreen Grade: B
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Incomplete
Multi-monitor Grade: Unsupported
4k Grade: Incomplete

Read Full Detailed Report - Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Giants: Citizen Kabuto is a third person shooter from Planet Moon and Interplay. Gameplay is unusually varied, and spans three campaigns with three characters - the heavily armed, high-tech meccaryn Baz and his squadmates, the sword-wielding, spellcasting sea reaper Delphi, and the enormous, village-trampling Kabuto himself.






Author:  skipclarke [ 12 Nov 2005, 07:10 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

Cool screens, hermit. :D I remember this game, too. Lots of fun, some bawdy humour and great graphics.

I think the only flaw was the save game issue - they weren't placed to well if I recall. Wasn't this also developed for the Mac platform as well? If so, that might explain why - the developers knew that at least some people out there were playing the game on their cinema displays.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 13 Nov 2005, 22:33 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

I don't know about that. Were the Cinema displays even out in the year 2000? The LCD screens that I was familiar with back then were pretty crappy.

Author:  skipclarke [ 20 Nov 2005, 22:30 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

Oh yea, they were already going strong with the 22" Cinema Display by that time.


Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Nov 2005, 01:28 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

I might have to find the Mac version of this (since that's the only machine I have left). At least I know the current PowerBook will run it smooth.

Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Nov 2005, 03:10 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

Yea, I'm trying to rack my brains to remember why I didn't end up finishing this game. I think it had something to do with the save game system, maybe it wasn't flexible enough for me.

You know when you purchase a game, play it some of the way through and then stop for a definite reason, but then a looong time goes by, you see the game again, and you're like, "Now why did I stop playing that one.." hehe :)

Author:  Gabbo [ 13 Feb 2006, 01:13 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

because of this thread, I have been going through this one all over again 6 years after I bought it. This game has held up amazingly well and still looks great. The WS support is absolutely perfect.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 13 Feb 2006, 09:06 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

I was so completely hooked on this titel, it was so insanely beautiful.
I still get tears in my eyes if i look back at that time. :lol:

Author:  funch [ 13 Feb 2006, 10:01 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

I, too, don't remember why I didn't finish this game.

It looked super gooder though.


Author:  naujoks [ 02 Mar 2006, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Giants - Citizen Kabuto: Detailed report

This if one of the truly memorable great games of the late 20th century! If you liked it, don't forget to also play "Armed and Dangerous", which is maybe not quite as good, but still very very good.

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