Some one mentioned it and in all the yappin about h & v, + or -.... you guys MISSED it.!!
The best feature this games has is
Dual Monitor Support ..!
The second monitor, briefly mentiones, is the mini map.
...NOT!!Well "not only". The 2nd fully
Zooms as the main does giving you
TWO screens on the field. HUD selection on main / execute it on 2nd.
I'd like to add a screen shot.. (from my dual 1680 days)
Clip_SupCom2.jpg [ 783.49 KiB | Viewed 1443 times ]
Sorry, but this "mode" eats any of the widescreen variants, except 3+1 setups.
It has one side effect if this
mode is enabled and 2nd
screen not enabled the game won't start and gives no reason why not.