Registered to post this here since I was having trouble finding a fix to center my HUD (eyefinity) and the following worked for me.
In "XGame.ini" located in C:\Users\(USERNAME)\Documents\my games\BioShock Infinite\XGame\Config, edit this:
[XCore.XScreenManager] bUseDefaultSafeRect=true SafeRectX0=0 SafeRectY0=0 SafeRectX1=1920 SafeRectY1=1200 MaxDefaultSafeRectAspectRatio=1
to be this (for 5760 x 1080):
[XCore.XScreenManager] bUseDefaultSafeRect=false SafeRectX0=1920 SafeRectY0=0 SafeRectX1=3840 SafeRectY1=1080 MaxDefaultSafeRectAspectRatio=1
Save the file and change its properties to be read only (else launching the game resets it). So you can customize the HUD, the values for SafeRectX are left and right pixel min and max, while SafeRectY is down and up.