Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Temple of Elemental Evil
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Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 23 Aug 2007, 17:31 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report


Calculated grade: B-
Potential grade: B

Major unresolved issues:

Minor unresolved issues:
Does the full version have any singleplayer anomalies?

Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
.ini solution
1920x1080 causes problems

Cranky's coverage estimate: 98.5%

Author:  Tanuki [ 07 Sep 2007, 05:31 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

Movies are fixed resolution

The native max resolution is 1280x1024 so anything above this and things get wiggy.

Good Stuff at 1280x800

There is flickering and double images that display above the game native max. These occur on smaller maps and happen based on mouse position and if a cut-scene is moving the screen. They do not show on screenshots but you can see the lack of data for displaying. You can still play with these issues.



When the resolution is high enough characters go invisible. You cannot play like this. Confirmed invisible is 1920x1080 and 1920x1200.


Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 07 Sep 2007, 23:04 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

I have a question. Would you rather play this game at 1680x1050 and deal with the issues you described, or just play it at 1280x800?

Author:  Tanuki [ 07 Sep 2007, 23:12 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

I left it in 4:3. :) My native res is 1920x1200 so the hell with it.

The flickering can be annoying on the small maps but most of the game does not have the problem. I would be difficult to give an encompassing answer due to the subjective nature of the question. Some people might detest any disruption of their experience while others may not have a problem.

If I had to wager a guess I would say play the higher resolutions if you do not have scaling or cannot get enough screen coverage with 1280x800 or lower. The HUDs and other 2-D elements get small fast so many may not have a choice but to go small.

No need to thank me for throwing dirt in the water. 8)

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 07 Sep 2007, 23:20 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

Then let's say resolutions up to 1680x1050 are supported, but treat the problems they cause as "minor singleplayer anomalies," and say resolutions above 1680x1050 are not supported. Would you say that's the best way to handle it? If so,


Calculated grade: B

Major unresolved issues: None
Minor unresolved issues: None

Summary of widescreen-related flaws:
.ini solution
1920x1080 and 1920x1200 unsupported
1440x900 and 1680x1050 cause minor problems

Cranky's coverage estimate: 100%

Author:  stubbie [ 26 Mar 2008, 09:52 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

At 1680x1050 the intro cinematics in the retail version will not play. Audio is there but the screen is blacked out.
Lowering the resolution via the ToEE.cfg file allows the cinematics to play normally.
As I haven't played further into the game I don't know if all FMV's in the game will display this fault.

Author:  Tanuki [ 28 Mar 2008, 02:48 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

At 1680x1050 the intro cinematics in the retail version will not play. Audio is there but the screen is blacked out.
Lowering the resolution via the ToEE.cfg file allows the cinematics to play normally.
As I haven't played further into the game I don't know if all FMV's in the game will display this fault.

Can your system display 800x600?

Author:  stubbie [ 02 Apr 2008, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

Can your system display 800x600?

It can, but as the monitors native resolution is 1680x1050 the games graphics at 800x600 are unplayable.

Author:  Sinbad [ 20 Dec 2010, 03:45 ]
Post subject:  2560x1600 res

2560x1600 res works. The characters do not vanish, but the 'fog of war' is missing. Text is very small and difficult to read at this resolution.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 20 Dec 2010, 10:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: The Temple of Elemental Evil: Detailed report

So 1920x1200 is unsupported but 2560x1600 works ? :?
Can you confirm that characters vanish at 1920x1200 ?

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