And here is my contribution to clear things up why this game urgently needs bigger resolutions.
Developers made a big mistake by making 16:9 cropped 1024x768, and so you only get 1024x567. They should widen it so that you would get 1366x768.
Their excuse was, if I quote:
Hello. Using the 4:3 aspect ratio will run the game internally at its highest supported resolution, 1024x768. Other aspect ratios will indeed cut the top/bottom of the visible portion of the screen. Widening the field of view does cause some issues on certain levels, so the decision was made not to exceed the original, tested maximum number of pixels.
It certainly doesn't cause any issues, I'm already at mission 19, and everything works without problems.
Of course you can't play on native resolution on 27" 2560x1440, you would need 42" for that. But you can certainly play on 1600x900.
Before I played on 1024x576 and then 1024x768, and looking at the screenshots, it just looks silly.
Here it is clearly seen that developers should provide the option to change the resolution. are the most suitable resolutions for given screen size, orange acceptable and red unacceptable.
Monitor resolutions are in brackets, as they are not important if you have scaling enabled, they are just the most common resolutions for given size.
What matters most in this game is physical screen height, the more, the better. Width not so much, as most maps are limited by screen height. But you can only buy 16:9 monitors nowadays anyway.
Actually, you don't need more than 27-32", as in this game, even if you start shooting like crazy, only the ones in vicinity hear you, and not on the other side of the map. You just don't benefit in any way if you can see the whole map at once without scrolling.
You can see this here, 1600x900 and supersonic cheat enabled (old GOG game, cheats don't work in new game):
I measured the HUD height in upper left corner, where John's watch is.
In my opinion, perfect height is between 52 and 62-63 mm.
I tested and measured on 27" 2560x1440 and 24" (actually 23.8") 1920x1080, others are calculated.
On 1280x720 with 65mm HUD, not that the HUD is too big, but you see less map than you could. And on 1680x945 with 50mm HUD, everything becomes too small and you strain your eyes.
I also added a comparison to CRT monitors, so to give you an idea how you played 17 years ago.