Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 18 Jan 2006, 17:16 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
The Widescreen Gaming Forum Rule and Regs:

The WSGF is:
- A resource for gaming in widescreen.
- A technical help resource for everyone, regardless of platform for any widescreen-related woes.
- A place to get help, and provide help.
- A place to discuss current and new products and technologies.
- Above all, we aim to be civil, friendly and welcoming. :D

The WSGF isn't:
- A site for fanboys. You may live and breath a certain platform, but leave the zealousness at the door.
- A place to flame other members or bash any particular company, platform, or manufacturer. We will not tolerate it, so don't do it.

General rules:
- No Porn or links to Porn.
- No "Free ipod/PSP/insert-new-hi-tech-toy-here" schemes
- No "get paid to surf" schemes
- No "get rich quick" schemes
- No warez.

Ibrin, I, maherie, Paddy, Tamlin, BongoTrumman, ctrlsteef and FrankB will delete things of this nature without notice, so consider this your warning now.

Forum 'nettiquette':

If you can't be bothered to read all this (and I recommend you do, as it isn't that long, and 'I didn't read the sticky' will not be a valid excuse for breaking the rules!) Then have a quick look here for a Flash Animation that covers the basics. ;)

- Please remember, the content of other sites is their content. Please do not lift content from another site and post it as yours. Link to it, and give credit where it's due. This is how we want people to treat us. For more information, visit this thread: The Internet & Copyright Law (Protection of the WSGF)

- Don't cross-post, please. :) It artificially inflates your post-count, but when a Moderator finds the same post in multiple threads (or new threads) it tends to be annoying. So save the Moderators (and other members, both of whom tend to look down on that sort of thing) the headache and don't do it. ;)

- If you link to annoying offsite pictures (smilies or otherwise), your post will be edited at the discretion of a forum Moderator. Approved smilies are installed on the board - Flash animations or animated gifs are generally a bad thing.

- Long links are a bad thing. Use the bbcode to keep posts friendly and not break the frames. Use this format:
<a href="http://url-goes-here">text-goes-here</a>
If you mouse-over the url button above the reply box, it explains how. Follow the instructions - they're really easy! And they make a readers experience much more pleasant.

If pictures are larger than about 640x480, the should be linked to - possibly with a thumbnail - rather than embedded. It just makes it a pain to read the threads when one picture that breaks the tables forces half the text off the screen, and you have to scroll left and right to read the posts. It's the same as 'long links'. Smile Doing this works:
<a href="http://url-of-picture"><img src="url-to-thumbnail-image-or-text-explaining-the-link" alt="" /></a>

If you've got a question about a solution, start a new thread in Solution Discussions, make sure that there isn't a thread already, though and this, however, brings us to the next point:

The Search function is your friend! It's there, and it's free to use, so go ahead and give it a try! :D There are two ways to access it on the left, and I have a link to it in my Sig - so Search first. :) You might find the solution to whatever problem or question you have is already answered, and it saves having multiple threads all asking and solving the same thing.

(A free hint: the 'Advanced Search' is a lot more powerful, and is more likely to get you what you're looking for, although due to a recent tweak, both Quick and Advanced are now pretty accurate...)

The Forum Moderators reserve the right to edit posts for readability - excessively long links, for example.

Signatures are available - please do not abuse them. There is a 512 character limit if using that many characters, please choose a font-size small enough so that your signature is not too large. Putting your specs in your signature is highly encouraged, as it makes it easier to help! NO IMAGES!: :D (CPU, RAM, Mobo, Graphics card, monitor, PSU etc...)

Posts are the opinions of the author, not those of the forum as a whole or those of the Moderators and Administrator.

Please, no site pimping without express permission. The site offers advertising rates that are reasonable even to small businesses and individuals.

Finally, in the spirit of the community effort, we are trying to implement a 'rating' system. Once it is active, if someone has been helpful, give them a hand by boosting their rating! :D


PostPosted: 18 Jan 2006, 19:54 
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Joined: 15 Apr 2005, 23:27
Posts: 1172
aye aye captain, i think the young ones at the back are still with you :) im guilty of the links thing, but what a good post ;) and yes, oh my ****ing god steam roxors the big 1111 :) (look at the flash above, its well funny)

P8Z68-V Pro | 2600K | HR02 | HD5850 | 2x4GB Vengeance LP | 128GB M4 + 6TB | X-Fi > HD595 | AX850 | Tai Chi | PB278Q | G110 + Deathadder 2013
P8Z77-V | 3570K | Mugen 2 | HD5850 | 2x4GB Vengeance LP | 500GB | X-750 | Fractal R3 | U2212HM | G110 + G400
P8H77-I | G860 | 4650 | 2x2GB XMS | 320GB | CX500 | Prodigy | T22B350EW | MX518
DC3217IYE | 1x4GB Vengeance | 64GB M4 | TX-42VT20E

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2006, 19:59 

Joined: 17 Nov 2005, 09:02
Posts: 2820
That flash animation is indeed so incredibly funny. :lol: Man, i peed my pants. :shock:

PostPosted: 24 Jan 2007, 03:28 
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Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 03:09
Posts: 1296
Man that flash was funny...

Yeah spam bots are on the rise... and they need to be stopped and delt with adequately :wink:

PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007, 14:24 

Joined: 31 Jan 2007, 18:04
Posts: 259
Hehe, that was an awesome flash animation. :lol:

Eww steef... :P

PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007, 14:38 

Joined: 06 Jun 2006, 08:56
Posts: 616

These rules are a good step.

But in the spirit of pure WaKKo-ness, what flash is funny? Don't pretend you all know what he is talking about, cause I don't see now flash animation thingy. :?:


Just because you are blind doesnt mean we are stupid wakko ;) :lol:

Ok, ok, I found it. The link is hidden in a here word. No underlining, no bold and no OMFG CAPITAL LETTERZ ROXORS TEH BIG1111! :roll: By the way, that flash was awsome! We laughed and laughed and laughed! :lol:

No, just because I am stupid doesn't mean you guys should hide little links from me, its not fair, I only want people to like me... :cry:

moboP8P67-M-PRO-V3 cpuI5-2500K-3.3GHZ ramOCZ8GB gpu260GTX hddOCZ-VERTEX II-SSD psuNEOHE550W hudBENQ20"

PostPosted: 13 Apr 2007, 22:19 
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Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 03:09
Posts: 1296
If you can't be bothered to read all this (and I recommend you do, as it isn't that long, and 'I didn't read the sticky' will not be a valid excuse for breaking the rules!) Then have a quick look here for a Flash Animation that covers the basics. ;)

Notice the link P-Shifter put in wakko

Just because you are blind doesnt mean we are stupid wakko ;) :lol:

PostPosted: 30 Apr 2007, 20:13 
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Joined: 14 Oct 2003, 13:52
Posts: 5706
Rules updated to include the new Moderators.

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2007, 20:20 
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Joined: 24 Dec 2006, 18:56
Posts: 764
Maybe the spoiler tag idea for here, and No warez. :wink:

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