Hello there! Name's Chris. My super secret alias is chris686.
I am a software developer by trade, and it's probably my favorite thing to do. I work for a Fortune 50 company writing Java EE software. While I don't play games like I did as a teen, I still enjoy them and a really great game can burn up way too much of my time.
After spending too much money, I recently found myself in possession of three 27" QNIX monitors to help with my development at home. I have been playing through MGS V: TPP and decided it would be a pretty awesome game to play with a triple monitor, 7680x1440 resolution.
Unfortunately the game only officially supports 16:9. A few Google searches later and I landed here! I found several fixes in the MGSV TPP thread on this forum that were incredibly valuable
One thing I noticed, however, was users in that thread were manually patching executables for each new version even though the patch was identical each time. Now, any software developer reading this would tell you that's insanity and tell you to write something to automate the process. Well, that was my first contribution! (I won't advertise it here, but it's in the Mods, Tweaks, etc sub-forum)
Not to mention distributing patched binary files is likely to bring unwanted attention. Why do that when you can distribute a generic patch utility?
I've also got some ideas for some easy to use patch tools for those who do the grunt work of finding out how something needs to be patched. I've also got what I think is a unique idea on sharing a file privately between two users that could be beneficial.