Widescreen Gaming Forum

I want to play games the way that they're meant to be played
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Author:  AmericanKilljoy [ 15 Jul 2014, 06:00 ]
Post subject:  I want to play games the way that they're meant to be played

Hi everyone! I'm AmericanKilljoy and I can't tell you how glad I am that I found this forum! For years I've wondered how to play my favorite games in true widescreen! (not stretched...*shudders*)
I've already applied some of your tweaks (one in particular, 16:9 support in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) and I can't wait to try out more games. I feel like I've been missing out. As of right now I only have one monitor, but seeing as my laptop has a DisplayPort, that could easily change. ;)

Anyway, I hope to see you all around the forum. :wave: :TrueWS:

Author:  TheDestroyer [ 15 Jul 2014, 18:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: I want to play games the way that they're meant to be pl

Glad to have you! Feel free to explore the site!


Author:  anamta [ 01 Oct 2014, 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: I want to play games the way that they're meant to be pl

Gaming is amazing on triple setups. The immersion is one step before VR. I am still in awe of games like Dirt 3/Showdown, Serious Sam 3, and other "out-of-the-box" multi-mon experiences.


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