Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hello all!
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Author:  bleedscarlet [ 10 Mar 2014, 22:50 ]
Post subject:  Hello all!

Found this place when googling stuff about the new monitor stand my girlfriend got me for our anniversary, the Ergotech freedom triple :D

Loving it, unfortunately they forgot a part, so I can't use it yet. It's giving me time to appreciate how badly I hate the back of the samsung 245bw for mounting. I got crappy 200x100 to 100x100 conversion "things" but as you can imagine, they're okay at best. I found the ideal one, but as it is I've sort of made them work. Pole should be here tomorrow, then I'll get it all mounted up. Very excited!!

I don't game that much anymore, but I love it for the productivity anyways.

Anywho, I plan on lurking some and contributing when I can. Hi!

Author:  Haldi [ 11 Mar 2014, 13:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Hello all!


Glad you found your way here.

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