Widescreen Gaming Forum

newbie here :)
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Author:  twitchyzeroo [ 05 Dec 2011, 01:57 ]
Post subject:  newbie here :)


i am looking to put my assortment of U2311H/U2312HM into a 5670x1080 set up soon when ivy bridge and pci-e gen 3 cards come out

I am curious to ask 1 question...has anyone attempted to watch blu-ray at this res?

Does it requires special video player..does it look really stretched and awkward? If not Is it compatible with all blu-ray movies?

Author:  Haldi [ 05 Dec 2011, 20:38 ]
Post subject:  There is a little problem a

There is a little problem ;) a Cinema Movie is in 21:9 Ratio! A Tripple Screen 5670*1080pixel Setup is 48:9.

I'm not sure how this works with Blue-Rays but with normal videos you surley CAN stretch the video over 3 screens, but normaly when you go fullscreen (in eyefinity) it will make black bars on the left and the right monitor, and show a 21:9 ratio with full middle screen, and 1/6 of the right and the left Monitor!

But the question is, do you realy want to watch Movies when you have 2 big bezels in your way? For Gaming okay, no problem, but for a movie..... i think i wouldn't

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