Welcome. :)
To answer your questions, sort of...
- What cards are you looking at that aren't reviewed?
- The cards are essentially the same, unless they're obviously using an aftermarket cooler. The cards are usually all made by the same company (I believe Sapphire still make all the AMD cards) then the individual companies just slap their own sticker on it and differentiate themselves by warranties.
You can't do EyeFinity with three different resolution monitors. Although you can use SoftTripleHead... it's not an ideal solution as it's a software fix that a lot of games don't work with. You might be better finding a third 2001FP and upgrading all of them at the same time.
Cool thanks for the answers. I actually found my answer, seems the best bang for the buck right now is the 6950. The 5's with 2GB RAM seem very expensive. I just want something that will be able to handle 3x1920x1200 and if my PC is too slow I'll upgrade that eventually.
Thank you for letting me know that all the monitors have to be the same resolution. I'll find a 1600x1200 monitor for now.
Good to know they are all the same card, but I will check the warranties, didn't even think about that!