Widescreen Gaming Forum

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Author:  SmallAl [ 11 Oct 2007, 07:53 ]
Post subject:  SmallAl

I'm living in Germany - married and 3 Kids call me Daddy - well at the moment only 2 because the third is just born in May this year :) .

Since last Month i'm an owner of a 22" Widescreen Fujitsu-Siemens Monitor.
Also i have a new Graphic Card in my Shuttle.

My favourite Games to play are:

Settlers V (via LAN with my older son :D ), VI (Lan not possible at the moment :roll: )
Need for Speed - Most Wanted :P
Q3arena :evil:
SUDOKU :lol:

I Think every Game should support Widescreen

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 11 Oct 2007, 08:46 ]
Post subject:  SmallAl

You forgot the option "I don't game" :lol:

Welcome to the club. :wink:

Author:  Tyinsar [ 06 Apr 2008, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  SmallAl

With almost every monitor now being made being widescreen (at least 22" and up) I think those who make games are being forced to support widescreen. The question is how long will it be before games no longer support the 4:3 ratio?

Author:  soldat7 [ 07 Apr 2008, 18:25 ]
Post subject:  that already happened

to be honest i know 1 game which is made for 16:9 and which creates horizontal barriers on a 4:3 screen(like when youre watching a widescreen dvd). anyway Hi :D and welcome to the club

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 08 Apr 2008, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  SmallAl

It's still really annoying when they don't support widescreen properly, though...

Oh. Welcome. :)

...Man, two poll Hellos in two days...?

Author:  packerfan [ 09 Apr 2008, 00:28 ]
Post subject:  SmallAl

Welcome to the club widescreen is irrelevant to me because I dont game on one, we own one but it is on another pc which I barely use and is worse than the one in my sig :P

Steefy- if you don't game why are you here... :roll: then again I shouldn't throw stones in glass houses... I dont even game on a widescreen :P (just poking fun at you) I know plenty of people are here for the good conversation

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