Widescreen Gaming Forum

Noob Jackill and Hide
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Author:  T0MCAT [ 20 Dec 2006, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide


I have a split personality and am looking for a cure.
I game a lot and mostly fps like rainbow six vegas but also watch a lot of series like lost and prison break on my pc. I'm torn between a viewsonic P227fB a 21" crt and a dell 2407WFP. I very much like the dell but I'm afraid of its native resolution even though I've got a new rig.(see sig)
Please try to convince me...

Author:  emanuel.en [ 20 Dec 2006, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Don't think about CRT's anymore...just buy the 2407WFP. You will not regret the buy of a 24" widescreen monitor. :lol:

Author:  T0MCAT [ 21 Dec 2006, 00:03 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Do you game and what kind of frames per second are you getting with what kind of settings?
Thats my only holdback, I want at least 40 to 60 fps with most settings set to high. I'm playing vegas now with everything on high at 1280x1024 on an old 19" crt and I'm only getting 60 fps so thats why I'm hessitating.

Author:  emanuel.en [ 21 Dec 2006, 00:27 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide


Paddys and Destroys posts are most important.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 21 Dec 2006, 08:46 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Definatly go widescreen, it's the only right way to go these days. 8)

Welcome to the WSGF. :D

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Dec 2006, 09:47 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Do you game and what kind of frames per second are you getting with what kind of settings?
Thats my only holdback, I want at least 40 to 60 fps with most settings set to high. I'm playing vegas now with everything on high at 1280x1024 on an old 19" crt and I'm only getting 60 fps so thats why I'm hessitating.

Check my system specs below ...
Vegas is currently a system hog ... if I run it with everything at max ... there is no way of getting a constant 40-60 fps at 1920x1200 ... but then you have a Conroe ... :wink:
I have had to turn the shadows down to get it to be playable ... but that is all.
There is one or two spots where it struggles ... but for the most part it is fine ... turning the quality of the shadows down is not noticeable when you are in the thick of a battle ducking a diving to survive.
As I say the game is a system hog and may be a patch will fix it.
Maybe new drivers from nVidia will fix it ... the 8800's are very new.

When F.E.A.R first came out there were not many (if any) that could play it with everything at max at 1920x1200 ... with patches and new drivers it now fly's ... fps 100% over 100fps.

Yeah graphics at maximum is nice to have and all of my games apart from Vegas and the very buggy Double Agent run at over 100fps with everything at max.
... but it isn't all about graphics at maximum ... the extra screen width adds to the immersion and there is no way I would go back to 4:3 at 1600x1200 let alone 1280x1024.

All that said ... I'm constantly looking for the best graphics I can get at 1920x1200 ... so ... I need to keep upgrading ... the guys will tell you ... :lol: :roll: :lol:

Author:  thechemist [ 21 Dec 2006, 13:44 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Get the 2407WFP. I just got mine and am in widescreen heaven. Do it...do it now!

Oh yeah, and :welcome

Author:  packerfan [ 21 Dec 2006, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Welcome to the fourm and site

it appears your question has already been answered

Author:  Daemonius [ 21 Dec 2006, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Go with the widescreen... seriously!

Author:  T0MCAT [ 22 Dec 2006, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  Noob Jackill and Hide

Ok, just ordered the Dell 2407wfp :lol:

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