WSGF on the TPG Cast Silver Episode
I had the great fortune to sit down with the fine folks from True PC Gaming and talk about the origins and future of the WSGF. I also sound like an old man, and believe I actually said, "Get off my lawn". Also, after the second mention of using Macs at home, they threatened to throw me off the show and shut it down. If you can handle listening to me talk for the better part of an hour, then please give it a listen.
On a serious note, we do talk about creating a mature and welcoming community. We talk about how reputations are built, how they can precede you, and how they've helped us build the WSGF. Of particular note is how Paddy the Wak's (one of our first Moderators/Editors) reputation helped secure our relationships with both Matrox and
Tags: wsgf, tpg