Play Battlefield 3 With The WSGF Community, Join our IRC Channel
OK, yes this is a shameless plug for the IRC channel, but please, bare with me and hear me out. Here at the Widescreen Gaming Forum we are proud to have created a friendly and helpful community to help people with there widescreen and multi-monitor needs, as well as to talk about an discuss current, upcoming and past games.
At the minute this mostly happens via the forum, but we also have an IRC Chat server which a few of us sit and idle in most of the time we are at a computer, and we would love it if you could join us. Not just because we are lonely and want the company, but also to help out new members to the community, chat in general about games and other topics, or to organise gaming sessions like for Battlefield 3 for example . We would be grateful if a few more people could idle in the channel as well, it'll help keep the channel active .
You can use the Chat link on the top menu bar to join our IRC channel, if the web client won't work for you, you can connect via any standalone IRC client by using the following details;
Port: 32256
Or combined:
Channel: #WSGF
Or with the following link: irc://
Hope to see you in the chat channel soon
Source:Tags: battlefield 3, irc, chat