I have never really done this before, but I am now coming to the community and asking for your assistance in covering our monthly costs. Recent changes in our hosting costs, and current advertisers has brought me to the decision that I need to ask the community for help.
The WSGF has always been open and free. We don't charge for any of our information, our solutions or site access. Many other sites require you to register to view certain sections of their forums, search their forums or view/download attachments to articles and forums. I can't stand that, and we will never do that. The WSGF isn't at risk of shutting down. But your donations will help take a lot of stress off of me, and it will help us continue to grow and expand. We want to do more for the community, and offer more. We just can't do it all by ourselves.
Update: Thanks to everyone who donated. We hit our first goal on 5/25. Like all that Kickstarter stuff, I'm going to put in a stretch goal. I'd like to see if we can cover the costs for the awards that we sent out in February.
Here's a few questions I figure some folks might have, or might ask, so I'll try and answer them proactively:
What do I get for donating?
You get a nice warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. If you donate $25 or more, I'll add the "I Donated" badge to your profile. If you donate $100 or more, I'll also add the "Like a Boss" badge to your profile. Please note - Prior to this donation drive, the *ONLY* people on the site to have the "Like a Boss" badge are the four-man Admin Team (skipclarke, AussieTimmeh, CrackerJackMack and Delphium).
Tags: wsgf, donations