Built-in solution, to be found in readme file.
The command line for starting the game in 1680x1050 for example should look like:
"C:\Programs\Sierra\Homeworld2\homeworld2.exe" -w 1680 -h 1050
Obviously, for other resolutions, change the numbers appropriately.
An alternative solution was found by the_cranky_hermit:
Here's another solution that doesn't require messing with command line parameters.
Go to \bin\Profiles\Profile1. If you are using multiple profiles, you may need to do this for more than just the Profile1 folder.
Edit the file PLAYERCFG.LUA.
Find the section that looks something this:
VideoOptions = {
textureQuality = 0,
minLOD = 0,
screenResolutionW = 1024,
screenResolutionH = 768,
maxLOD = 5,
anisotropicFiltering = 0,
enableVsync = 0,
shadowResolution = 0,
Change the two "screenResolution" lines to set your resolution. And unlike the previous solution, you can use resolutions below your native res without the desktop showing.