"Approximately a decade before Fury³ begins, a large inter-planetary war threatened to destroy the once peaceful world of Terran. In order to defeat their enemy, Terran scientists genetically engineered a race of super soldiers that were to eventually become known as Bions, whose ruthless aggression and power meant that only a small number could fully take over a planet within days. The efforts of the Bions saved Terran, but their bloodlust was all-consuming, turning them on their creators. Towards the end of the war that followed, Terran created an unparalleled military force known as the Council of Peace, which steadfastly wiped out almost all remaining Bion forces. Smaller pockets of Bion troops remained, unbeknownst to the Council, and created a Headquarters on the planet Fury, from which they could rebuild and prepare to once more begin their domination of space." - Wikipedia description |