I quite enjoyed FFX, i didnt play XI mostly because i avoid MMORPG's.
played FFXI for more then 2 years.
It's a very nice game but with a lot of things you notice it is a JP game.
After the first couple levels everything is completely team based. Without a good party you can't do anything. And due the game mechanics one good player cant make a party but one bad player can break it.
That often leads to bad situations because most western player have the my personal goal is more important than the well being of the party. Unlike with WoW that attitude just doesnt work with FFXI.
Combat system is ok, basicly it is still turnbased but then with a little different "touch" to make it more compatible with the MMORPG type game.
Im a bit put off with XII coming out on PS2 because its going to look so outdated already, if they released a PC version id grab it in a instant.
Looking at graphics is a bad way to judge a game.
This is even more true when it comes to RPG's. The best RPG's i played so far where all games with avarage graphics at best.
FF games are all games with just avarage graphics but some of those FF games are the best RPG's i ever played.
Anyone remember Wizardry 8? graphics where just terrible but gameplay was ecellent.