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PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009, 08:44 
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Joined: 09 Apr 2007, 14:39
Posts: 578
Source: "GameInformer Magazine", April 2009, Issue 192

System(s): PS3, 360, PC
Style: 1 player Action (Multiplayer TBA)
Developer: 2K Marin/2K Australia
Publisher: 2K Games
Release: Fall

It seems "you don't play just any Big Daddy in Bioshock 2. You play the first ever." --Jordan Thomas, Creative Director (Excerpt)

Seems interesting, let's see if there's another Bioshock fiasco like last time. Methinks they wised up this time around and will do WS support properly, but it remains to be seen. If you want full article, look for the magazine when it hits shelves, there's a 6 or 8 page spread with a bonus Bioshock 2 poster. I would tear out and take a picture, but alas, no camera anymore.

Also confirmed in the article, Bioshock 2 will have multiplayer action.

Encgher oneryl fheivirq. N fhesnpr-qjryyre pnzr qbja nyzbfg 10 lrnef ntb naq fgehpx ng gur urneg naq zvaq bs gur bapr-ornhgvshy haqrejngre hgbcvn, cyhatvat vgf vaunovgnagf shegure vagb gur qrcguf bs qrfcrengvba.
   Svefg ur nffnffvangrq gur pvgl'f sbhaqre, Naqerj Elna. Arkg, ur xvyyrq Senax Sbagnvar, gur zna jub pbagebyyrq gur Nqnz. Gura, jvgu n pninyvre qvfertneq sbe gur punbf uvf npgvbaf unq gevttrerq, gur fhesnpr-qjryyre yrsg -- naq fb qvq gur Yvggyr Fvfgref. Gung'f jura guvatf va Encgher ernyyl tbg onq. Genccrq va n qrnq zna'f pehzoyvat qernz, gur senagvp fcyvpref sbhtug fnintryl bire gur qjvaqyvat Nqnz fhccyl, xvyyvat sevraqf naq snzvyl gb srrq na nccrgvgr sbe cresrpgvba. Ovt Qnqqvrf pbagvahrq gurve ybaryl cngebyf jvgu ab bar gb cebgrpg... hagvy fur fubjrq hc. Abj, Ovt Fvfgre unf oebhtug gur yvggyr barf onpx gb Encgher, naq gur Nqnz vf sybjvat ntnva. N sbetbggra yhfg sbe gur fhofgnapr unf ervtavgrq, naq gur Yvggyr Fvfgref ner vgf tngrxrrcref. Lbh arrq gur cerpvbhf fhofgnapr nf zhpu nf nalbar; Nqnz shryf lbhe cynfzvqf naq fhcreuhzna fgeratgu, ohg hayvxr gur penmrq fcyvpref, lbh qba'g arrq gb nggnpx gur lbhat tveyf sbe n svk. Nsgre nyy, gur Yvggyr Fvfgref gehfg lbh. Lbh'er n Ovt Qnqql. Lbh'er snzvyl.

OvbFubpx'f gjvfgrq naq cuvybfbcuvpnyyl punetrq aneengvir vagebqhprq tnzref gb n arj oerrq bs fgbelgryyvat. Ng gur pragre bs gur svpgvba jnf Encgher, n pbyyncfrq cnenqvfr ebggvat orarngu gur jnirf bs gur Ngynagvp Bprna. Gur haqrejngre pvgl orpnzr n znwbe punenpgre va vgf bja evtug, pbaprnyvat pbhagyrff zlfgrevrf jvguva gur pbasvarf bs vgf yrnxvat jnyyf. Gur bevtvany OvbFubpx pbairlrq whfg bar cvrpr bs Encgher'f yrtnpl: gur erghea bs n cebqvtny fba jub raqrq gur ervta bs gur pvgl'f ehguyrff glenagf. N zhygvghqr bs bgure gentvp naq gevhzcunag fgbevrf erznva hagbyq, yvxr gur bar nobhg n Yvggyr Fvfgre jub yrsg Encgher nf n pbashfrq puvyq, bayl gb erghea lrnef yngre nf vgf znfgre -- naq gur erartnqr Ovt Qnqql jub bccbfrq ure. Yngre guvf lrne, tnzref jvyy rkcrevrapr guvf unhagvat gnyr svefg-unaq nf gurl qrfpraq vagb Encgher ntnva jvgu OvbFubpx 2.
   "OvbFubpx vf n ovg bs n fgenatr ornfg," zhfrf Wbeqna Gubznf, OvbFubpx 2'f perngvir qverpgbe. "Rirelbar pbzrf njnl jvgu vg n jvgu n qvssrerag vzcerffvba, naq vg zrnaf qvssrerag guvatf gb qvssrerag crbcyr." Jura vg svefg eryrnfrq va Nhthfg 2007, fbzr tnzref qryirq vagb OvbFubpx'f pubvpr-ynqra pbzong zrpunavpf, naq bguref fvzcyl orpnzr nofbeorq va gur puvyyvat naq ulcabgvp fheebhaqvatf. Ertneqyrff bs ubj lbh pbaqhpgrq lbhe crefbany wbhearl guebhtu Encgher, lbh pebffrq cnguf jvgu gur pvgl'f zbfg cbjreshy naq greevslvat qravmraf: gur Ovt Qnqqvrf. Gurfr yhzorevat jneevbef jrer zber guna gbhtu onggyrf; gurl jrer gur tnzr'f zbfg vpbavp srngher. Wnpx, OvbFubpx'f fjrngre-jrnevat cebgntbavfg, qbrfa'g rira nqbea gur tnzr'f obk neg; n Ovt Qnqql vf sebag naq pragre.
   "Gurl ner bhe xrl punenpgref," nqzvgf Gubznf, "Crbcyr unir snyyra va ybir jvgu gur Ovt Qnqql n yvggyr ovg, naq jr sryg yvxr vg jnf na boivbhf cynpr gb tb jura guvaxvat nobhg OvbFubpx 2 naq ubj gur cynlre'f ebyr va gur rpbybtl pna punatr."
   Va grezf bs crpxvat beqre, Wnpx bpphcvrq gur ybjyl cbfvgvba bs n ihyarenoyr fgenatre -- cerl ybbxvat va sebz gur bhgfvqr. OvbFubpx 2 yrgf lbh creprvir gur jbeyq bs Encgher sebz gur crefcrpgvir bs n Ovt Qnqql. Sebz gung natyr, gur pvgl haqrefgnaqf lbh gb n qrterr naq unf fcnpr sbe lbh gb bpphcl va vgf flfgrz. Be engure, vg jbhyq vs lbh jrer sbyybjvat gur ehyrf.
   "Ovt Qnqqvrf ner yvxr nhgbzngbaf -- gurl ner fynivfuyl pbaqvgvbarq gb sbyybj Yvggyr Fvfgref nebhaq naq cebgrpg gurz ng nyy pbfgf. Lbh unir orra phg bss lbh yrnfu," Gubznf rkcynvaf. "Lbh qba'g cynl whfg nal Ovt Qnqql va OvbFubpx 2. Lbh cynl gur svefg rire."

Cynlref znl unir vzcrefbangrq n Ovt Qnqql va gur cerivbhf tnzr, ohg gurl qvq abg trg gb jvryq gur shyy cbjre gurfr ivtvynag fragvaryf cbffrff. "Vg'f yrff gung jr ohvyq ba jura Wnpx orpnzr n Ovt Qnqql ng gur raq bs OvbFubpx 1, naq zber yvxr guvaxvat nobhg jung jr arrq gb qb gb znxr cynlref ernyyl srry yvxr n Ovt Qnqql," fgngrf yrnq yriry qrfvtare W.C. YrOergba. Gung zrnaf tvivat cynlref npprff gb gur fnzr xvaqf bs jrncbaf, novyvgvrf, naq gnpgvpf gung znxr gur vpbavp perngherf fb vagvzvqngvat.
   Svefg naq sberzbfg, lbh trg n uhtr zbgbevmrq qevyy. Guvf gbby ercynprf gur jerapu nf lbhe onfvp zryrr nggnpx, ohg vg vf sne zber guna n oyhqtrbavat jrncba. Ohg gheavat vg ba, lbh pna nhtre gur snprf bs nalbar jub pbzrf jvguva fgevxvat qvfgnapr, naq gur bayl erfgevpgvba vf na bireurng zrgre ceriragvat pbafgnag hfr. Jura hfrq va pbawhapgvba jvgu gur Ovt Qnqql'f fvtangher fubhyqre qnfu, gur qevyy orpbzrf n oehgnyyl rssrpgvir zrgubq sbe pyrnevat na ragver ebbz bs fcyvpref va frpbaqf. "Nf n cebgbglcr Ovt Qnqql, lbh nera'g dhvgr nf oheyl nf gur bgure barf, ohg lbhe jrncbaf unir orra hctenqrq naq gurl'er zber rssrpgvir," Gubznf vasbezf hf. "Fb lbh unir guvf onynapr bs oehgr culfvpny cbjre irefhf ntvyvgl."
   Gur qevyy vf terng sbe hc-pybfr nffnhygf, ohg lbh'yy nyfb hfr na neenl bs enatrq jrncbaf fcrpvsvpnyyl znahsnpgherq sbe Ovt Qnqqvrf. Hayvxr gur vzcebivfrq irefvbaf bs synzrguebjref naq teranqr ynhapuref Wnpx hfrq va OvbFubpx, gur thaf lbh hfr va OvbFubpx 2 unir n fgheql naq ratvarrerq nrfgurgvp. Gurl'er abg pbooyrq gbtrgure ol zragnyyl hafgnoyr qeht nqqvpgf; gurl'er qrfvtarq gb or jrncbaf. Bar rknzcyr gung jvyy or snzvyvne gb snaf bs gur svefg tnzr vf gur evirg tha. Gur jrncba jnf gbb ovt naq phzorefbzr sbe n uhzna gb jvryq, ohg gung vfa'g n ceboyrz nalzber. Va snpg, nybat jvgu gur qevyy, vg'f n znvafgnl bs lbhe nefrany, pbzcyrgr jvgu vgf bja hctenqrf naq phfgbz nzzb.
   Pneelvat uhtr thaf vf whfg bar crex bs orvat n Ovt Qnqql. Nabgure nqinagntr oenapurf sebz lbhe fgnghf nf na rkcrevzragny cebgbglcr: Lbh cbffrff gur havdhr novyvgl gb hfr cynfzvqf, n srngher trargvpnyyl ratvarrerq bhg bs gur cebqhpgvba-zbqry Ovt Qnqqvrf. Va snpg, lbh pna rira hfr gurz zber rssrpgviryl guna Wnpx pbhyq. Sbe OvbFubpx 2, nyy bs gur arj naq ergheavat cynfzvqf jvyy unir zber irefngvyvgl, erprvivat hctenqrf gung punatr gur jnl lbh hfr gur cbjref engure guna whfg vapernfvat gur qnzntr gurl qb. Gur pynffvp vapvarengr novyvgl fgvyy frgf guvatf ba sver va n fanc, ohg jvgu na hctenqr gb gur arkg gvre lbh pna ubyq gur ohggba qbja gb punetr hc n cbjreshy sveronyy. Vs lbh vairfg va gur cynfzvq nyy gur jnl hc gb vgf svany vapneangvba, lbh pna fhfgnva n fgrnql wrg sebz lbhe cnyz naq cnvag gur jbeyq jvgu synzrf.
   "Nf lbh tb guebhtu gur enzc naq hctenqr nyy gur cynfzvqf, gurer ner qvssrerag gnpgvpny cbffvovyvgvrf gung bcra hc, qvssrerag tnzrcynl cbffvovyvgvrf -- bssrafvir naq qrsrafvir," erirnyf yrnq qrfvtare Mnx ZpPyraqba. "Vg tvirf lbh gur bccbeghavgl sbe n qvssrerag xvaq bs cynl, naq gb hfr n ybg bs gur rkpvgvat OvbFubpx gbbyf, orpnhfr gurer vf fb zhpu qvirefvgl."
   Gur grnz vf nyfb sbphfvat ba rkcnaqvat inevbhf cynlfglyrf, znxvat gurz zber ivnoyr guebhtu gur vagebqhpgvba bs arj gbavpf naq cynfzvqf. Ynfg gvzr, unpxvat gheergf naq frphevgl obgf jnf urycshy, ohg vg jn n fvghngvbany fbyhgvba engure guna n eryvnoyr cngu gb fhpprff. Abj, jvgu gur nqqvgvba bs cbjref gb urny lbhe unpxrq pbzcnavbaf, vg vf cbffvoyr gb nqbcg n crg-znfgre cynlfglyr, yrggvat lbhe zvavbaf qb lbhe svtugvat sbe lbh.
   Nygreangryl, vs lbh ner gr qrivbhf glcr bs cynlre jub yvxrf frggvat gencf naq onvgvat rarzvrf, lbh'yy jnag gb rkcyber gur novyvgl gb pbzovar pregnva cynfzvqf gb vapernfr gurve rssrpgvirarff. Punetvat hc gur sbezreyl jrnx Plpybar Genc cbjre jvgu n oynfg sebz Vapvarengr nyybjf lbh gb fraq pneryrff fcyvpref sylvat guebhtu gur nve va n juveyvat gbeanqb bs synzr.
   Gur grnz nyfb uvagrq gung bgure cynfzvqf naq jrncbaf zvtug or pbzovarf va inevbhf jnlf, naq vagrenpgvba znqr cbffvoyr ol gur novyvgl gb jvryq cynfzvqf naq jrncbaf fvzhygnarbhfyl engure guna gur bar-be-gur-bgure cuvybfbcul rzcyblrq ol gur svefg tnzr. Guvf genafyngrf vagb rira zber qlanzvp pbzong bcgvbaf; lbh pna fubhyqre-qnfu hc gb n fcyvpre, fraq uvz sylvat onpxjneq jvgun  urnil oybj sebz lbhe qevyy, gura vzzbyngr uvz jvgu n fanc bs lbhe svatref orsber ur rira uvgf gur tebhaq.
   Bs pbhefr, gur zbfg cbjreshy fxvyyf qba'g pbzr purnc. "Jr qb ernyyl jnag lbh gb vairfg va fbzr bs gubfr gbc-raq erjneqf," Gubznf fgngf. Qrfcvgr snibevat qvssrerag cbjref qhevat gur pbhefr bs gur tnzr, cynlref nyy npdhverq n fvzvyne frg bs novyvglf ol gur raq bs OvbFubpx 1. Guvf gvzr, gur tbny vf gb tvir cynlref zber jnlf gb qvssreragvngr gurzfryirf guebhtu cynfzvq naq jrncba hctenqrf. Ol gur raq bs OvbFubpx 2, lbh fubhyq abg bayl srry yvxr lbh unir n fcrpvnyvmngvba, ohg nyfb gung lbhe vairfgzrag va lbhe uvtu-yriry novyvgvrf vf pbafgnagyl cnlvat bss.

EDIT: The cipher is ROT13, use that to read all the CODE sections.
There is a lot more guys (this is just under half of it), let me know if you're interested.
EDIT EDIT: ROT13 converter: http://www.rot13.com/

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PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009, 10:41 

Joined: 06 Jun 2006, 08:56
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Gur haqrejngre pvgl orpnzr n znwbe punenpgre va vgf bja evtug, pbaprnyvat pbhagyrff zlfgrevrf jvguva gur pbasvarf bs vgf yrnxvat jnyyf. Gur bevtvany OvbFubpx pbairlrq whfg bar cvrpr bs Encgher'f yrtnpl: gur erghea bs n cebqvtny fba jub raqrq gur ervta bs gur pvgl'f ehguyrff glenagf.

Wow, that's so amazing, it brings back so many memories. Awsome! I had one of these when I was a kid, except the wheels fell off.

moboP8P67-M-PRO-V3 cpuI5-2500K-3.3GHZ ramOCZ8GB gpu260GTX hddOCZ-VERTEX II-SSD psuNEOHE550W hudBENQ20"

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009, 14:19 
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:? ... What was wrong with English ? ... I don't see the point.

Formerly eZ`

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PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009, 16:22 
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Joined: 09 Apr 2007, 14:39
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*facepalms* link moved to first post

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PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009, 22:08 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
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The first game had some faults, sure. But i had a lot of fun playing it and the visual design was pretty keen. I look forward to #2. (not poo)

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2009, 16:28 
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Joined: 29 May 2006, 02:23
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might be interesting. Sequels generally fail...their are exceptions.

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009, 02:02 

Joined: 02 Jan 2006, 18:49
Posts: 913
Not only do sequels often suck, IMO they are going to have to focus on making Bio 2 more interesting just to maintain interest. The level design and many gameplay features of Bio 1 were good, but the repetitious enemies and dialog got old real fast. The audio also cut out a lot and was poor quality for the weapons. I really didn't see where harvesting all the Little Sisters had an adverse effect as they made it look either, because in the end, they're all willing to help you anyway.

One thing I don't get about Bio 2 though is how will they keep the Bio feel after having showed many if not most of the monsters escaping above water at the end of Bio 1? Is it still going to be an under the sea adventure/horror game or will we be on ships, islands or mainland? Seems to me Bio is all about underwater habitats. Then again they could have it so those that escaped were driven into another underwater site being constructed somewhere.

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009, 02:04 
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Joined: 09 Apr 2007, 14:39
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Not only do sequels often suck, IMO they are going to have to focus on making Bio 2 more interesting just to maintain interest. The level design and many gameplay features of Bio 1 were good, but the repetitious enemies and dialog got old real fast. The audio also cut out a lot and was poor quality for the weapons.

One thing I don't get about Bio 2 though is how will they keep the Bio feel after having showed many if not most of the monsters escaping above water at the end of Bio 1? Is it still going to be an under the sea adventure/horror game or will we be on ships, islands or mainland? Seems to me Bio is all about underwater habitats.

Did you bother to ROT13.com the code sections? It explains there.

Current build: Intel i5-4670k | 32GB DDR3 | RAID0 2x250GB 850EVOs | nVidia GTX980Ti (MSI G1 Gaming Edition) | SoundBlaster Zx | Dell 2405FPW (Landscape, primary) & HP w2338h (Portrait)

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009, 02:21 

Joined: 02 Jan 2006, 18:49
Posts: 913
Did you bother to ROT13.com the code sections? It explains there.

Ha, no I missed that. Had you put it in in the first place rather than editing it in via a very small paragraph at the bottom of those huge code sections I probably would have seen it.

Sounds like they've added some much needed improvements to the gameplay. I just hope there will be more variety of monsters and hopefully the view won't be as restricted as the Big Daddy helmet was in Bio 1.

PostPosted: 18 Mar 2009, 03:07 
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Joined: 09 Apr 2007, 14:39
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[quote]Did you bother to ROT13.com the code sections? It explains there.

Ha, no I missed that. Had you put it in in the first place rather than editing it in via a very small paragraph at the bottom of those huge code sections I probably would have seen it.

Sounds like they've added some much needed improvements to the gameplay. I just hope there will be more variety of monsters and hopefully the view won't be as restricted as the Big Daddy helmet was in Bio 1.

It's not meant to be largely advertised, you understand why.

Current build: Intel i5-4670k | 32GB DDR3 | RAID0 2x250GB 850EVOs | nVidia GTX980Ti (MSI G1 Gaming Edition) | SoundBlaster Zx | Dell 2405FPW (Landscape, primary) & HP w2338h (Portrait)

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